Everyone knows that although the famous Kadan formula was found at the root of the Cubic Equation, this formula has the disadvantage of using a cube root containing imaginary numbers to represent the real roots of the equation, and we cannot use algebraic methods to remove this imaginary number. With the computational tediousness of the formula, it is not often used to find the root of a cubic equation, instead it is replaced by an approximate solution. There are many approximate solutions. This article describes a successive approximation method. This method, although it has never been mentioned in textbooks, is practically valuable because it is simple and easy to master. Let’s look at such a sequence. It has two monotonous sub-series: {Q_(2n-1)}, {Q_(2n)}, with the upper bound a+b/a~2 and the lower bound a. According to the basic theorem of the existence of the limit, it is known that the sub-series of numbers: {Q_(2n-1)}, {Q_(2n)} converge to the determined limits S_1 and S_2, respectively.