Taking the panel data of service industry from 2000 to 2012 in 31 provinces of China, we consider the agglomeration effect of human capital and knowledge innovation, establish the panel measurement model of service space agglomeration, and empirically test the economy between human capital, knowledge innovation and service industry agglomeration relationship. The results show that human capital has a significant positive effect on the agglomeration of local service industries. Human capital factors produce comparative advantages in regions and form reservoirs of human resources, and the service enterprises are more likely to gather in this area and form the advantages of accumulation and spatial agglomeration Development of knowledge innovation has a significant positive effect on local agglomeration of service industries. The increase of knowledge innovation leads to the spread and exchange of knowledge and technology among enterprises concentrated in the region, stimulating the innovation activities of enterprises and forming the spillover effect of regional knowledge innovation And agglomeration effect. The study also found that the level of economic development and urbanization have a positive effect on the agglomeration of service industry. In the short term, the level of industrial development has a positive effect on service agglomeration, while in the long run, the excessively high proportion of industrial economy has The crowding-out effect, the level of opening-up and the ability of government intervention did not have any significant impact on service agglomeration.