
来源 :青少年书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mq909
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第二章《晋索靖出师颂》的艺术特色《出师颂》是流传下来的章草帖最为古老的一本,它较张芝、皇象等人的章草,在提按和使转上要规范得多,也老练得多。其明显已有楷法贯穿其中,其字法之平正匀和,也有说是出自史孝山之手,或晋索靖同时人所书,或索靖本人所书,这里只取通常记法,索靖所书。 The second chapter “Jin Suo Jing Ching Chung” artistic characteristics “Song Ching” is handed down the most ancient chapter Zhang Cao, Zhang Zhi, it compared with the statue of the emperor and others, in mentioning and the transfer should be standardized Much more sophisticated. It is obvious that there is a pattern of law running through them. Its style of writing is even and uniform. It is also said to come from the hands of Hsiao-shan, or Jin Suo-jing’s book, or Suo Jing’s own book, where only the usual notation, book.
世界是平的还是通的?  “一带一路”如何使沿线国家实现弯道超车?  “一带一路”带来了哪些投资风险与机遇?  “一带一路”体现了怎样的中国智慧和世界智慧?  本期“名著访谈”为您带来王义桅教授的  《世界是通的——“一带一路”的逻辑》  世界经济中心千年后回归东方  人类历史上,存在“治—乱”之周期律:帝国、霸权带来了治,也带来了乱。  当今世界不仅是平的,还乱象丛生。乱之源,尤以贫困与贫富差距为