长期以来,各级办公室都十分重视文件的管理和保密,但是,由于过分强调文件的保管,对文件的利用则重视不够,久而久之,使一些办公室误认为,只要保存好文件,保证一文不缺,不发生失泄密事件就“万事大吉”;至于文件的利用,那是领导们的事,与秘书人员无关,在思想上形成了严重的“重管轻用”观念。这种观念和作风对办公室职能的发挥是十分有害的。 利用是文件管理的目的和主题,文件管理是利
For a long time, all levels of the office attach great importance to the management and confidentiality of documents. However, due to overemphasis on the custody of documents, the use of documents is not sufficiently emphasized. Over time, some offices mistakenly believe that as long as the documents are kept and the promises guaranteed, As for the use of documents, it is a matter for leaders and has nothing to do with secretarial staff, and has created a serious concept of “relying on superfluous management” in ideology. This concept and style of office functions is very harmful. Utilization is the purpose and theme of document management and document management is advantageous