立春以后,气温回升,麦类作物普遍进入拔节期。此时应及时、科学地施好小麦拔节肥,以促进分蘖成穗,提高结实率和千粒重。但具体要把握好三个环节。 1 把握好施用时间。正常生长的小麦一般在2月下旬至3月上旬,即第一节间已停止伸长,第二节间开始起身,手摸有明显的节时追肥,这样不会造成倒伏。但拔节时如果叶色过早落黄,落黄时间在7~10天以上,植株瘦弱,分蘖稀少的麦田则应提前到5~7天追施;如果叶色浓绿、叶片披垂,植株群体庞大,分蘖仍在继续增生的麦田则宜推迟7~10天追肥,不施或少施速效肥,以免产生无效分蘖过多的现象。 2 把握好施肥数量。8叶1心左右的正常麦苗,每667m~2施尿素和氯化钾各
After the beginning of spring, the temperature rose, wheat crops generally join the jointing period. At this point should be promptly and scientifically good wheat jointing fertilizer to promote tillering into ear, improve seed setting and grain weight. But to grasp the specific three links. 1 grasp the application time. The normal growth of wheat is usually in late February to early March, the first insoles have stopped elongation, the second inning began to get up, touch the hands of a clear time-saving dressing, so will not cause lodging. However, if the leaves are prematurely falling yellow at the jointing stage and the yellowing time is above 7 to 10 days, the thinning plants and the scarce tillering wheat fields should be topdressed 5 to 7 days in advance. If the leaves are dark green and the leaves are draped, Large populations, tillers are still continuing to proliferate in the wheat field should be postponed 7 to 10 days topdressing, no or less fertilizer, in order to avoid excessive tillering phenomenon. 2 grasp the amount of fertilizer. 8 leaf around the heart of normal wheat seedlings, each 667m ~ 2 urea and potassium chloride