第一,在世界经济增长急剧下滑的情况下,我国经济还能继续保持高增长吗? 国内经济学界认为,2002年的经济运行还会延续2001年上半年以来的发展趋势,国内需求依然是拉动经济增长的主要动力,而其中投资需求又是维持国内需求稳定增长的推动力量。立足于扩大内需,通过财政和金融货币政策的有机结合,稳定固定资产投资增长,中国经济增长仍会超过“十五”期间的平均增长目标,GDP增长可望达到7%左右。 第二,今年是入世的第一年,我国会出现大量失业吗?
First, under the circumstance of a sharp decline in world economic growth, can China’s economy continue its high growth? According to the domestic economic circles, the economic operation in 2002 will continue the trend of development since the first half of 2001 and domestic demand will continue to be stimulated The main driving force of economic growth, investment demand which is to maintain stable growth in domestic demand and promote power. Based on expanding domestic demand and stabilizing the growth of investment in fixed assets through the organic combination of fiscal and monetary monetary policies, China’s economic growth will still exceed the average growth target during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, and its GDP growth is expected to reach around 7%. Second, this year is the first year after China’s accession to the WTO will there be a lot of unemployment in our country?