
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houzhuo111
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进入本世纪以来,河南省各地市之间的国际教育逐渐发展壮大起来,主要以中美、中加、中奥、中英等项目为主,但都没有中日项目。河南省实验中学国际部中日项目从2003年8月开始,与日本关西语言学院联合创办了这一项目,是目前河南省唯一一所以赴日留学为目的的联合办学项目。中日项目是在高中基础教育上引进小语种教学的大胆尝试。学生在高中阶段,是以学习国内普通高中课程的基础上增加日语课程的学习项目。只是国内课程的设置及教学要求与 Since the beginning of this century, international education among localities and municipalities in Henan Province has been gradually developing and expanding. The major projects are mainly China and the United States, Canada, China and Austria, China and Britain, but none of them have a Sino-Japanese project. Starting from August 2003, the Sino-Japanese Project of International Department of Experimental High School of Henan Province co-founded this project with Kansai Language Institute and is the only one in Henan Province that aims to study abroad in Japan. The Sino-Japanese project is a bold attempt to introduce small language teaching in high school basic education. Students in high school stage, is based on the study of ordinary high school courses in Japan based on the increase of learning programs. Only the domestic curriculum and teaching requirements and settings