Sea anguilla eel has been used as a material for artificial breeding of eel. Due to the decline of the resources of sea urchin, the selection of pond culture anguilla as a parent has become a hot topic. Although studies on the embryonic development obtained by artificially inducing wild drop eels have been reported, the early development of embryos and larvae in artificially induced pond cultured eels has not been reported. In this paper, Japanese eel (Anguilla japonicus) was cultured in ponds instead of wild Japanese eel for artificial breeding. In 2002, a total of 80 hatching batches were made, most of them were artificial insemination eggs (60 times) and some (20 times) were naturally spawned. The fertilization rate was (44.03 ± 21.99)% and the hatching rate was (65.76 ± 19.48)%. A total of 349.9 thousand seedlings were obtained. The eel 鲡 embryos and early larvae were continuously recorded. At the water temperature of 20.5 ℃, the embryo development takes 49h, the accumulated temperature is 1005 ℃ .h. When the water temperature is 22.5 ℃, the embryo development requires 39h, the required temperature is 878 ℃ .h. When the water temperature is 24.5 ℃ , Embryo development takes 34h, the required accumulated temperature 833 ℃ .h.