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1999年,茂名市建设中专被评上广东省重点中专学校,这是该校发展的一个重要里程碑。该校缘何在短短的3年时间便一跃成为全省为数不多的重点中专学校?关键的一条就是学校领导班子重视学习邓小平理论,用理论指导学校的改革与发展。学习理论,统一思想,创新蓝图茂名市建设中专学校原址在市区中心,总面积不足十亩,建筑面积只几千平方米,校舍严重不足,只可容纳500名学生就读,有一半学生只好在校外教学点读书。1995年学校新班子成立后,通过组织全校教职工认真学习邓小平理论,用邓小平关于改革、发展的论述,统一教职工思想。通过学习班子一致认为,在市场经济的大潮中,学校不求发展就没有出路,别人都在发展,我们不前进,只能被淘汰。在市委、市政府及市建委的大力支持下,全校教职工用邓小平改革发展的理论统一了思想,形成了迁建新校,向省重点中专学校迈进的计划。在征地建校过程中,陈超然校长和班子成员提出了自力更生自筹资金建校的设想,得到全校教职 In 1999, the construction of secondary schools in Maoming was rated as key secondary schools in Guangdong Province, which is an important milestone in the development of the school. Why did the school jump into one of the few key secondary schools in the province in just three years? The crucial one is that the school leadership attaches importance to studying Deng Xiaoping Theory and uses theory to guide the reform and development of the school. Learning theory, unified thinking, innovative blueprint Maoming City, built secondary schools in the urban center, the total area of ​​less than 10 acres, the construction area of ​​only a few thousand square meters, a serious shortage of school buildings, only accommodate 500 students, only half of the students had Reading in the school teaching point. After the establishment of the new school in 1995, we organized the entire school faculty to conscientiously study Deng Xiaoping Theory and used Deng Xiaoping’s discourses on reform and development to unify the thinking of faculty and staff. Through the unanimous view of the study team, in the tide of the market economy, there is no way out for the schools to develop and others are developing. We are not moving forward and can only be eliminated. With the strong support from the municipal government, the municipal government and the municipal construction commission, the faculty members of the school unifies their thoughts with Deng Xiaoping’s theory of reform and development and has formed a plan to move to and build new schools and move to key provincial secondary schools. During the process of land acquisition and construction, President Chen Chaoran and his team members proposed the idea of ​​self-reliance and self-financing for school construction,
根据榆能化MTBE装置的原始设计和运行情况,提出将不合格品MTBE进行回炼,轻碳四并入重碳四进行销售,不仅提高了产品的合格率,而且能为公司创造一定的经济效益。 According to
今年只有14岁的黄丽仪,不用说还是个孩子,但她已经是中专一年级的学生了。 丽仪非常爱笑,黑黑亮亮的眼睛,长长的睫毛,笑的时候,脸上便会现出一对浅浅的酒窝。 有人说,丽仪不大像广州