Lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding caused by dieulafoylike lesion synchronous meckel diverticulum
Meckel diverticulum is an embryonic remnant of the Gastrointestinal duct which causes symptoms < 5% in the 2% population......
At some time in everyone’s business career, they will make a mistake(or two). Some mistakes are small and can be easily......
individualism 与“个人主义” 首先,我们来看下面一段译文: “我们必须承认契弗对于社会道德风貌的描写往往只局限于某些个人,但......
Verbs can be divided as “stative”and “dynamic”in relation to whether they admit the aspectual contrast of“progressi......
考虑建议盼原谅consider/suggest /advise/look forward to /excuse 承认推迟没得想admit /delay /put off /fancy(想象,设想) ......
This morning I went tothe shop to change the coat Ibought yesterday, but thesalesgirl treated me coldly. Atfirst, she di......
AIM:To investigate the clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of a consecutive series of patients with severe a......
Objective:To discuss the prevalence,clinical and laboratory presentations of relapse typhoid fever.Methods:All relapse c......
The plot: Walter Mitty, a daydreaming magazine proofreader (校对员), likes to imagine himself as a hero experiencing gre......
Maybe calling you was amistake.I could hear thekids.I do not know how I will beginto admit to what I have done.I suppos......
BUT it isn’t true,as Fedja always says,that I am possessed of thedevil as soon as I get behind the wheel,~2 I admit I ......
I’m a cadet, which means that I have chosen soldiering asmy career. So army uniforms will be an indispensable part ofm......
The earliest written record about cancer dates back to approximately 3000 BC[1] and,despite tremendous developments in m......
【Abstract】The essay mainly formulates how and why CLT can be applied in China from several aspects, by combing with the......
IN July 1992, Dr. Xia Zhaoji, 58, and his assistants surprised the world by successfully completing the world’s first ......
Heart Failure (HF) is a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide.In the United States,five million people carry......
以上几个词义十分接近的词都是实际使用频率很高的词。按Collins COBUILD英语词典的星级归类,allow和let的使用率最高,均属5星级......
Names If Mary,Susan,Claire and Barbara go out for lunch,they will call each other Mary,Susan,Claire and Barbara.If John,......
<正> 在现代汉语中,“让”一词通常作动词用,有时也作介词用。汉语的“让”含义十分丰富,可表示“容许”、“指使”、“听任”、“......
<正> 贵刊1992年第7期曾发表《漫话形容词后缀-able》一文,笔者对个别论点有不同看法,愿共同探讨。一、笔者立论的依据有以下几点:......
<正> to 用作介词时,其后边可接动词-ing 形式。由于受不定式的影响,“…todoing…”这种结构有些难于理解和运用。那么在什么情况......
【正】 A: It’s no wonder you have a stomachache. I told you not to eat so many green apples. You don’t listen,and now ......