Extensive reworking of Archaean crust within the Birimian terrane in Ghana as revealed by combined z
The manganese deposit of North Téra is located in the western side of the Diagorou-Darbani greenstone belt in the N......
DIAKHA金矿坐落于马里共和国的Kedougou Kieneba inlier,位于Senegal-Malian剪切带以东约1公里处,该剪切带为马里境内最重要的黄金......
Extensive reworking of Archaean crust within the Birimian terrane in Ghana as revealed by combined z
Located in the southeastern parts of the Baoulé Mossi domain of the West African Craton, the Birimian terrane in Gh......
Located in the southwestern of the Oume-Fettekro greenstone belt, the Agbahou gold deposit is controlled by structural f......