A partial phase diagram characterizing the conformational change that occurs in Thermomyces lanuginosus xylanase as it i......
A New Type of Phase Transition Based on the Clausius-Clapeyron Relation Involving a Change in Spatia
Using a space filled with black-body radiation, we derive a generalization for the Clausius-Clapeyron relation to accoun......
理想完全互溶双液系是两个组分都严格遵守Raoult 定律的体系,从数学角度看,其平面相图有着确定的函数关系。本文以Clausius-Clapeyro......
用统计热力学方法建立了一个纯物质气液平衡方程 ,它考虑了气相的非理想性、液相分子间的作用以及这种作用对液相分子振动和转动自......