本文报告了12例隐匿性脑血管畸形。此病是指一组直径小于2~3cm 的血管畸形,其分布在幕上、下几乎相等,可发生于脑的任何部位,具有较......
We report for the first time the occurrence of Trisetacus acari Eriophyoid parasite infesting Juniperus excelsa seeds in......
Nuclear RNA processing requires dynamic and intricately regulated machinery composed of multiple enzymes and their cofac......
Background: The Brown Hawk Owl complex is said to consist of three species,the Brown Boobook(Ninox scutulata),the Chocol......
Integrative taxonomy of the Russet Bush Warbler Locustella mandelli complex reveals a new species fr
Background: The Russet Bush Warbler Locustella(previously Bradypterus) mandelli complex occurs in mountains in the easte......
Dumasia taxonomy and classification have long been problematic.Species within this genus have few morphological differen......