Kinergetics Research HBA-28O 一台精确的放大器所起的作用,应该象是一根“具有增益的直导线”。这种想法好倒是好,但若通过测量......
Decomposition of tasks and selection of optimal schemes are key procedures in high-end equipment development processes.H......
The high-end equipment represented by high-end machine tools and aero-engines is the core component of the national inte......
目前流行的数字式音量控制器虽然制作成本低、使用方便,但存在噪声大的弊病,因此HIGH-END 音响设备大都不采用这种电路,而是采用电......
【正】 这里介绍的high-end A4监听音箱是R Smulders先生专门为喜欢动手制作的音响发烧友设计的(见图1),它使用丹麦Scan-Speak公司......
2007年6月14日,美国Color Kinetics公司(简称CK,以LED色彩混合技术著称)宣布,将其专利授权给美国High—End Systems公司(简称HES),双方同意......
在最新的EISA(European Imaging and Sound Association,欧洲影音协会)年度大奖的评选中,丹麦Jamo(尊宝)的旗舰音箱R909获得了“2006~2007......
IN recent years, China’s high-end machinery and equipment, as well as advances in engineering have created miracles.“C......
Social development in the new era is closely inseparable from good talents,the stress of whose cultivation,in turn,can g......
Fundamental Theories and Key Technologies for Smart andOptimal Manufacturing in the Process Industry
Given the significant requirements for transforming and promoting the process industry, we present themajor limitations ......
Abstract In our experiment,we strived to find our how to improve persuasion by building up the appropriateness between t......
Training Plan for Software Engineering Top Talents Based on the Demand for High-end Talents in the I
The paper illustrates the reason of the lack of talents with outstanding innovative practice ability and engineering lea......
Empirical Research on the Influence of Marine High-end Human Resources on Marine Knowledge Innovatio
The main purpose of this paper is to explore the intermediary role of policy incentives and marine technological innovat......
2010年11月26日.戴尔公司宣布其在权威市场分析机构Gartner公司发布的(2010 Magic Quadrant for Midrange and High-End Modular Dis......
Pola’s current development goal is to access to the ASEAN market,and Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia is its best market choice.Th......
<正> 一、制作 本前级放大器可供选择的组成方案较多,在动手制作之前应首先根据自己的需要选定采用哪种方案,以便确定需要制作的电......