We adopt a bottom-up Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach to derive a model-independent Veltman condition to cancel out......
The magnetic moment (aγ) and weak magnetic moment (aw) of charged leptons and quarks are sensit-ive to quantum effects ......
Measuring vector boson scattering(VBS)precisely is an important step toward understanding the electroweak symmetry break......
As the ultimate building blocks of the universe, the limit structureless quark <i>u</i><sub>∞</sub> and its anti-quark ......
Discriminating the HTM and MLRSM models in collider studies via doubly charged Higgs boson pair prod
We present a case study for the doubly charged Higgs boson H±±pair production ine++e-and pp colliders with their subse......
Top partners are well motivated in many new physics models.Usually,vector like quarks,TL,R,are introduced to circumvent ......
Let M be an open Riemann surface with a finite set of punctures, a complete Poincar(?)-like metric is introduced near th......
In this work,we study the implications of Higgs precision measurements at future Higgs factories for the MSSM parameter ......
2014年2月23日晚,一场名为“希格斯粒子发现之后:基础物理学向何处发展”的论坛在清华大学举办,诺贝尔物理学奖得主David Gross、Gera......
The next-to minimal supersymmetric standard model(NMSSM)with non-universal Higgs masses,i.e.,the semi-constrained NMSSM(......
We propose a new dihedral angle observable for measuring the CP property of the interaction between the top quark and Hi......
Measuring the fermion Yukawa coupling constants is important for understanding the origin of the fer-mion masses and the......
We calculate the spinor helicity amplitudes of anomalous H →ZZ→4? decay.After embedding these analytic formulas into t......
1.Motivation Also,some updates were reported in the ZZ,WW,b(-b),and τ+τ- decay modes,as well as the ttH events since 2......
1954年,杨振宁和米尔斯(R.L.Mills)提出了非阿贝尔规范场的理论,定域对称性就成为相互作用力和基本粒子结构的本源。1964年,Peter Higgs......
The present article develops a model initially published in ref. [1]. It is a quasi-classical quantum model of composite......
工作在北京正负电子对撞机(BEPC)上的北京谱仪(BES)对2-5GeV能区的R值进行了精确测量. 这一成果对寻找新物理和新粒子Higgs在国际......
We study the properties of heavy fermions in the vector-like representation of the electroweak gauge group SU(2)w × U(1......
A Summary of the Homogeneous 5D Universe Creation Model: Expressed in the Dirac Second-Order Quantiz
A summary of the homogeneous 5D universe model is expressed in the Dirac second-order quantized representation for the m......
在圣地亚哥召开的国际海洋保险联盟(IUMI)会议上.Andrew Higgs称,鉴于目前联合国安理会制裁的不确定性.迫切需要“协调IUMI的政策主张.讨......
In the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with CP violating phases, this paper discusses the production of the......
左右的成双的 Higgs (LRTH ) 模型预言三个另外的 Higgs 波色子的存在:一中立 Higgs 0 和一双控告的 Higgs 波色子 ? 潴琠敨攠灸牥......
<正> 我们假设广义相对论中宇宙真空场的能量来自Higgs场的贡献,从而找到了Higgs粒子静质量、宇宙因子和光子静质量上限之间的一个......
Completing the Standard Model with Gravity by General Relativizing Quantum Physics (RQP) (Coupling S
After a straightforward general relativistic calculation on a modified flat-spacetime metric (developed from the fluctua......
Finite Temperature Lanczos Method with the Stochastic State Selection and Its Application to Study o
We propose an improved finite temperature Lanczos method using the stochastic state selection method. In the finite temp......
The Higgs mode is expected to exist in any system with the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the continuous symmetry. We ......
The aim of this work is to search for a new heavy Higgs boson in the B-L extension of the Standard Model at LHC using th......
In the present paper, gravitational and inertial mass are described as one and the same electromagnetic mechanism in ato......
In modern physics, a particle is regarded as the quantum excitation of a field. Then, where does the mass of a particle ......
It is proposed that the observed Higgs Boson at the LHC is the Standard Model Higgs boson that adopts the existence of t......
Prediction and Derivation of the Higgs Boson from the Neutron and Properties of Hydrogen Demonstrati
A high accuracy Higgs boson, H0, is an important physical constant. The Higgs boson is associated with the property of m......