The lower solar atmosphere is a gravitationally stratified layer of partially ionized plasma.We calculate the electric r......
We study two-dimensional low angular momentum flow around a black hole using the resistive magnetohydrodynamic module of......
A sunspot is an ideal waveguide for a variety of magnetohydrodynamic waves,which carry a significant amount of energy to......
MHD natural convection with Joule and viscous heating effects in iso-flux porous medium-filled enclo
MHD natural convection with Joule and viscous heating effects in iso-flux porous medium-filled enclo
In this study,the magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)natural convection heat transfer with Joule and viscous heating effects insid......
Magnetic reconnection is thought to be a key process in most solar eruptions. Thanks to highresolution observations and ......
Simultaneous impacts of MHD and variable wall temperature on transient mixed Casson nanofluid flow i
A numerical analysis is provided to scrutinize time-dependent magnetohydro-dynamics(MHD)free and forced convection of an......
Melting heat transfer in Cu-water and Ag-water nanofluids flow with homogeneous-heterogeneous reacti
This article addresses melting heat transfer in magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)nanofluid flows by a rotating disk.The analysis......