在本文中,我们讨论了目前 BNL/AGS 和 CERN/SPS 能区的相对论性核一核碰撞的物理。内容主要有:相对论性核一核碰撞的整体行为,领头......
【正】 The final-state energy spectrum in the electromagnetic dissociation is calculated by asimple method.The final-sta......
A systematic analysis of the data on 14.5A GeV/c 28Si-nucleus collisions is carried out to investigate the behaviours of......
An attempt has been made to study the multiplicity, angular and pseudo rapidity distributions of relativistic charged pa......
Study of Wavelet Methodology and Chaotic Behavior of Produced Particles in Different Phase Spaces of
We applied the wavelet methodology for our earlier published research work of the chaotic behavior so called multiplicit......
【正】 The excited degree of spectator in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is investig-ated.The heat of friction ......
【正】 The multiplicity distribtuion of evaporated fragments in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions are discussed.Th......
【正】 Based on the participant-spectator model and the analysis of particle producing proce-ss, the rapidity distributi......
Longitudinal Extension and Pseudorapidity Distributions of Shower Particles in Relativistic Nucleus-
【正】 The longitudinal extension of interacting system in relativistic nucleus-nucleus colli-sions is considered.The ps......