Hybrid PET/MR scanners are innovative imaging devices that acquire and fuse anatomical and functional data from magnetic......
Multiple rectal carcinoids are rare.Due to the unreliability of endoscopic polypectomy in treating these submucosal lesi......
Breast cancer treatment may have implications for women’s quality of life and social support, which refers to mechanism......
AIM: To systematically analyze the randomized trials comparing the oncological and clinical effectiveness of laparoscopi......
Critical evaluation of contemporary management in a new Pelvic Exenteration Unit: The first 25 conse
AIM To critically appraise short-term outcomes in patientstreated in a new Pelvic Exenteration(PE) Unit.METHODS This ret......
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Replacing Mastectomy in Locally Advanced B
Background: Integration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) in early 70s resulted that many LABC tumors become resectable ......
A primitive approach to Ou MC decrescendo phenomenon with a hands-on therapy—The relation between hu
The Ou MC decrescendo phenomenon (OuDP) involves the placing of the contralateral hand of the examiner on the acute abdo......
Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer with abnormal proliferation of keratinocytes. Its incidence reaches app......