Observations from clinical trials have frequently demonstrated that light therapy can be an effective therapy for season......
Photoreceptor degeneration can lead to blindness and is the most common form of neural degenerative disease in the w......
白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是一种国际性检疫害虫,其自然分布于东北亚国家,20世纪初相继在美国和加拿大被发现并造......
目的 观察斑马鱼受精卵CRX基因表达下调后,视网膜光感受器细胞外节盘的发育和视蛋白的表达.方法 实验研究.斑马鱼受精卵内显微注射......
目的 研究形觉剥夺和光学离焦性豚鼠近视眼视蛋白的表达变化,探讨视蛋白表达与实验性近视眼之间的关系.方法 实验研究.50只豚鼠随......
Light traps are widely utilized to monitor and manage insect pest populations.In late 2018,the fall armyworm(FAW),Spodop......
为明确烟草甲(Lasioderma serricorne)的趋光行为特性,通过室内和实仓诱捕试验比较了烟草甲对不同波长光源诱虫灯的趋性差异,并通......
视网膜视蛋白组成是动物识别光强与颜色视觉的基础,其会随着不同生长环境和发育阶段而发生变化。大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)为......
本实验运用组织学方法对四指马鲅(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)视网膜在不同光照周期下组织结构及细胞超微结构的变化进行研究,并......
Stimulating brain tissue with bright light alters functional connectivity in brain at the resting st
Light is considered to modulate human brain function only via the retinal pathway, a way of thinking that we aimed to ch......