以马氏珠母贝 ( Pinctada martensis( Dunder) )全脏器为原料 ,经丙酮脱脂、酶解、脱色、醇沉、干燥后 ,得糖胺聚糖粗制品。用正交......
Studies on rickettsia-like organism (RLO)disease of tropical marine pearl oyster——Epidemiological in
The epidemiological investigations on the disease and death in mature eggs, embryonic de- velopmental periods and larvae......
Many of the effects of Ca2+ signaling are mediated through the Ca2+/calmodulin complex and its acceptors, the Ca2+/calmo......
A soluble matrix protein P14 with an apparent molecular mass of 14.5 kDa was isolated from fragmented nacre of pearl oys......
Studies on rickettsia-like organism (RLO) disease of tropical marine pearl oyster-Epidemiological in
The death which occurred in juvenile population was a severe problem in the course ofPinctada maxima artificial culture......
The status of polyculture and rotational culture in Chinese marine life is reviewed. Some successful experience is summ......
本文作者用3年多的时间研究了西澳大利亚西北部水域产大珠母贝Pinctada maxima死亡率高的原因。病理学和微生物学研究表明,大多数......
B白花泡桐 1 3 5 根分化 1 3 5 过氧化物酶 1 3 5 IAA氧化酶 1 3 5 过氧化氢酶 1 3 5斑 1 5 6 含肉率 1 5 6 营养成分 1 5......
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其珠之药用,本草记载甚繁,然其药理学的根据尚未洞悉.作者等取Pinctada Martensi产生之真珠层作试验材料.甲、真珠层粉末之应用与......
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The dry ligament of Pinctada maxima normally appears black;however,it can exhibit striking blue structural colors after ......
采用核糖体DNA内部转录间隔子1(ITS 1)序列初步分析了珠母贝属8个种的亲缘关系.结果表明,ITS 1长度范围分布在402-474bp之间,大珠母......
摘要 [目的]探讨矿化基因、贝壳和珍珠经济性状之间的相关关系。[方法]选择47个培育优质珍珠的马氏珠母贝,测量贝壳的壳宽、壳高、......
采用单对配对方法建立马氏珠母贝Pinctada martensii第一代家系7个,对家系间的生长和家系内大小变异进行了分析比较。7个家系的壳高......
Studies on rickettsia-like organism (RLO)disease of tropical marine pearl oyster--Epidemiological in
The epidemiological investigations on the disease and death in mature eggs, embryonic developmental periods and larvae p......
The hazardous effect of water pollution on the histopathology of gill organ of the pearl oyster, Pinctada radiata was st......
Troponin is a complex of three proteins (troponin I, troponin C, and troponin T) that binds Ca2+ and is a thin filament-......
The mechanisms of sex determination and sex differentiation in the pearl oyster Pi:nctadafucata are currently poorly und......
In this article we explored the crystal structure of a few pearls and shellfish’s shell of fresh water and sea water, a......
There has been an increasing interest in marine oysters (order: Petridae) in recent years because their numbers are decl......
Aneuploidy embryos of Pinctada martensii Dunker are produced during tetraploid induction by inhibiting the first polar b......
Studies on rickettsia-like organism(RLO)disease of tropical marine pearl oyster--Epidemiologicai inv
The death which occurred in juvenile population was a severe problem in the course ofPinctada maxima artificial culture.......
Troponin (Tn) is composed of three subunits (TnI, TnC and TnT) that bind Ca2+ and regulate striated muscle contraction i......