Arterial blood gases,intraerythrocytic pH (pHi),2,3-diphosphoglycerate,standardP 50 (P 50std) and in vivo P 50 (P 50iv) ......
Role of the Pericytes of Intra-acinar Pulmonary Artery in the Structural Remodeling of Pulmonary Ves
930077 The aminophyllin and cefatoxin fortreatment pulmonary heart disease of mutual in-fluence.LI Shenqi(李胜岐),et al.......
Effect of sequential mechanical ventilation on cardiac function, endothelial injury and oxidative st
Objective: To study the effect of sequential mechanical ventilation on cardiac function, endothelial injury and oxidativ......
930475 The study of prethrombotic state in pa-tients with COPD and cor pulmonale.MA Duan(马端),et al.Thrombosis & Haemosta......