木荷(Schima superba)作为中国亚热带常绿阔叶林的重要组成树种,在2008年南方冰雪灾害中受到严重损害。本研究在浙江江郎山随机设......
在上午10时和下午2时,荷树(Schima Superba Gardn and Champ)叶子的田间光合速率分别为8.43和6.82mg·m~(-2)·s~(-1)。生长在温室......
楠竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)的地下茎具有强大的无性繁殖能力,当楠竹蔓延至针叶林、阔叶林或针阔混交林时,即形成竹针、竹阔和......
红苞木(Rhodoleia championi)又称红花荷,为金缕梅科红苞木属的常绿树种,分布于广东、广西东南部。我省信宜县的背岭、博罗县白芒......
Fire disaster is the primary one of the facts of deforestation. Although in recent years the level of forest management......
All of the plants can be combusted. The mechanism of forest belts resistance is that the tree specieswerent liable to be......
Since forestation of pure forest of Pinus massoniana is liable to suffer from pest calamity, soilerosion, decrease of so......
对福建、广东、广西、贵州和湖南分布的长苞铁杉 ( Tsuga longibracteata)群落主要木本植物种类的局域分布进行研究 .结果表明 ,分......
Schima superba is widely used for shaded fuelbreaks in southern China. Experiments were done in the laboratory and wild ......
Estimation of Throughfall Erosivity in a Highly Diverse Forest Ecosystem Using Sand-Filled Splash Cu
Sand-filled splash cups were used to study the erosive power of rainfall and throughfall in the humid subtropics of Sout......
The biomass and productivity of Schima superba-Castanopsis carlesii forests in Tiantong,Zhejiang Province,were determine......
采用红外气体分析法,于2008年夏季和秋季,原位监测了福建长汀水土流失区不同恢复程度样地重建植被马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、木荷......
Epiphytic plant species are an important part of biological diversity. It is therefore essential to understand the distr......
Acid rain is a serious environmental problem worldwide. In this study, a pot experiment using forest soils planted with ......
山茶科乌叶何树(Schima wallichii)是已研究过的何树属植物中的新种。其乙醇提取物对皮癣真菌有高度的活性。作者将其70%乙醇提取......
一、发生与危害油茶尺蠖(Biston marginata Shiraki)属鳞翅目尺蛾科,1983年发现在广西博白林场云飞分场荷木人工林上危害,面积仅3......
一、发生与危害油茶尺蠖(Biston marginata Shiraki)属鳞翅目尺蛾科,1983年发现在广西博白林场云飞分场荷木人工林危害,面积仅30......
The paleoforest remains studied are distributed within a range of 18000m~2 in the intertidal zone of the Qianhu Bay,Fuji......
木荷(Schima conferliflora Merr)是我國持有的樹种,在我國南部各省到处可見,又为江南各省营造用材林和水源林的主要樹种之一。其......
红荷木(Schima Wallichii)是山茶科(Theaceae)的常绿乔木.在我区主要分布在西部和西南部,分布区年均温17~22℃以上,10℃以上的积温......
运用热扩散法对福建万木林自然保护区3种优势树种木荷(Schima supprba)、米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)和杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)树......
Effects of simulated acid rain on root growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Schima superba saplings
Results from pot culture (with one-year old Cunninghamia lanceolata and Schima superba) are described. It was found that......
Species richness, forest types and regeneration of Schima in the subtropical forest ecosystem of Yun
Background: Schima genus of Theaceae is confined to subtropics and tropics of South, East and Southeast Asia.Thirteen sp......
Modulation of various enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation by Schima wallichii(DC.)Korth in mice
The effect of ethanol extract of Schima wallichii(SWE)was studied in the Swiss albino mice bearing Dalton's ascitic ......