There are giant mineral deposits, including the Jinding Zn-Pb and Baiyangping Ag-Co-Cu, and otherimportant mineral depos......
Background:Species-specific genotypic features,local neighbourhood interactions and resource supply strongly influence t......
The deep, ultraoligotrophic piedmont lakes of Northern Patagonia (Argentina) are located in pristine and barely impacted......
Potential application of biogenic silica as an indicator of paleo-primary productivity in East Antar
We collected two lake sediment cores (MC and DM) from the East Antarctic region for analysis of biogenic silica and othe......
Climatic and environmental implications from n-alkanes in glacially eroded lake sediments in Tibetan
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to identify a series of n-alkanes in the sediments of a typical glacially ......
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Landslide Research at the British Geological Survey:Capture,Storage and Interpretation on a National
Landslide research at the British Geological Survey(BGS) is carried out through a number of activities,including surveyi......