Using the coherent state representation of Wigner operator and the technique of integration within an ordered product (I......
This paper introduces the generalized excited pair coherent state (GEPCS).Using the entangled state |η> repre sentation......
Cross-well electromagnetic tomography has been used to monitor the changes of the abso rption coefficient of electromagn......
目的 探讨双源64层螺旋CT成像用于冠状动脉评价的价值.方法 选择既行双源64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像检查又行冠状动脉造影检查的冠心......
目的为设计和改进国人肱骨头假体柄,对肱骨干骺端髓腔形态曲线行几何学分析.方法 100根成对防腐肱骨(男性28对,女性22对)按肱骨头......
我们显示出那因为 tomographic 在那里来临存在二相互结合量状态| p ,σ,τ 】和| x ,μ, v 】(说出中间的 coordinate-momentumrepres......