肝细胞肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是我国常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率和致死率在所有恶性肿瘤中居高不下。因此,肝癌是严重......
Nuclear m^(6)A reader YTHDC1 regulates the scaffold function of LINE1 RNA in mouse ESCs and early em
N6-methyladenosine(m6A)on chromosome-associated regulatory RNAs(carRNAs),including repeat RNAs,plays important roles in ......
Nuclear m6A reader YTHDC1 regulates the scaffold function of LINE1 RNA in mouse ESCs and early embry
N6-methyladenosine (m6A) on chromosome-associated regulatory RNAs (carRNAs),including repeat RNAs,plays important roles ......
m6A是mRNA和lncRNA上一种广泛存在的修饰,它从酵母到人等多个物种中都保守存在且其共有基序为RRm6ACH(R=G or A,H=A,C or U)[1-3]......
目的探讨RNA m^6A甲基化结合蛋白(YTH结构域包含蛋白1,YTHDC1)在小脑发育和髓母细胞瘤中的表达模式及其可能发挥的作用。方法分别......