Bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in bivalve mussels and edible fish collected fro
Monitoring of organochlorine pesticides by using passive air sampling in atmosphere of Manipur, Indi
Bioconcentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and organochlorine pesticides in algae from two e
This work aimed to explore the pollution levels,diurnal variation characteristic,sources of polychlorinatedbiphenyls(PCB......
Determination of Three Organochlorine Pesticides in Wheat Based on Benzyl Functional Ionic Liquid-Di
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are widely applied in agricultural industry.Contaminations caused by OCPs have negative......
The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ocps in Underground Water and Surface Sediment of Undergrou
Background: Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is highly prevalent in China.Although hepatitis B virus (HBV) and afl......
Passive air sampling of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diph
目的 了解淮河流域江苏段某地水中有机氯农药的污染现状.方法 于2015年8月采集该地3个水厂的水源水、出厂水,同时采集当地主要3条......
2007年5月,采集合肥野生动物园采集东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)及白鹤(Grus leucogeranus)的胸部廓羽、飞羽及尾羽样品共51枚,用气相色谱......