[Objective] To establish the fingerprint of chemical constituents in ethyl acetate parts by HPLC, so as to provide a bas......
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Some stations for the following spectes are pointed out:Anagallis tenella.Aster squamatus,Cistus salvifolitts,Cypripedi......
The etiology of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) is not yet known,but many factors such as defects in the immune system,o......
(112)車前子Semen Plantaginis,基源車前于者,乃採取Plantago major L.var.asiatica De Candolle與其同屬植物的種子而乾燥者。性......
车前子(ツセゼンツ) 原植物Plantago major L.(大车前) 科名Plantaginaceae(车前科) 理化反应①加热水放置时,种子膨胀出现粘液。......
四、种子类中药车前子 Semen Plantaginis车前(Plantago major L.var.asiaticu D.C)生于道旁牛马车迹中,故名。子及叶均供药用。......
车前子为车前科植物车前(Plantago asiatica L.)或平车前(Plantago depressa Willd.)的干燥成熟种子,至今未见有伪品报道。近来,......
Paederia scandells(Lour。)Merr.鸡屎藤(五德藤)Pirola rotundifoilia DC.红一药草(日本名)Emilia javdnica(B......
车前子为车前科植物车前Plantago asuatica L.或平车前P.depressa Willd.的干燥成熟种子。近年来我们在药品检验过程中,曾多次在......
车前草(Plantago major)叶在欧洲作为传统的伤口愈台药使用,其功效可能与多糖成分有关。本文从其叶中分离出11个多糖组分,并对活......
卵叶车前(Plantago ovata)的种子外皮是一种常用的轻泻剂,以前广泛用于民间医疗,近年来,卵叶车前已被世界各地的医生所接受,并用......
车前子为车前科植物车前Plantago asiatica L.或平车前Plantago depressa willd.的干燥成熟种子。具有清热利尿、渗湿通淋、明目......
车前科植物欧车前(Plantago psyllium)的干燥成熟种子用于治疗便秘,卵车前(P.ovata)也有相同的作用。Nishibe S将卵车前种子粉碎......
又名Blond Plantago,Blonde Psyllium,Englishman’sFoot,Indian Plantago,Ispagol,Pale Psyllium,Plantaginisovatae semen,Plant......
【正】 本品包括亚麻籽车前 Plantago psyllium L.或印度车前 P.indica L.(亦称法车前 P.arenariaWaldstein et Kitaibel)或卵叶车......
已知卵叶车前 Plantago ovata Forskal 的种壳(PSH)具有降胆固醇的作用,然而与其在德国作为轻泻剂使用相比,它用于治疗轻、中度高......
Ⅱ-92 台湾产灰叶属(Tephrosia》植物的成分(第一报) 关于台湾的草藤Tephrosia obouata MERR.的有效成分(其一) 陈玉麟许鸿源药学......
Isolation and Purification of Plantamajoside and Acteoside from Plant Extract of Plantago asiatica L
Two phenylethanoid glycosides(PhGs), plantamajoside and acteoside, were isolated and purified from the aerial parts of P......
[Objective] To supplement the quality standard of HERBA PLANTAGINIS.[Method]TLC was adopted to identify HERBA PLANTAGINI......
车前是车前科植物Plantago asiatica或P.depressa或P.major之类,泽泻是泽泻科植物Alisma plantago-aquatica。
Plantago asiatica......
Objective To identify the active compounds for protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B(PTP1B) from the seeds of Plantago asiatic......
一、形态特征 车前(Plantago asia ticaL.),俗名车轱轳菜,车前子等,多年生草本,高20~60cm,有须根。基生叶直立,卵形或宽卵形,长4~12......
In this study,the allelopathic effects of 100 g / L water extract of Melilotus officinalis Desr. on seed germination and......
[Objective] The research aimed to study the preparation process for healthy tablet of Plantago asiatica L..[Method] Usin......
To study the physiological effects of small root zonel plants of a hybrid wheat variety (Triticum Meiyou 4......
Study on Optimal Fertilizer Techniques for Standardized Cultivation of Plantago asiatica L. in Jiang
[Objective] To study the optimal fertilizer techniques for standardized cultivation of Plantago asiatica L. [Method] Thr......
[Objective] To study the genetic diversity of Plantago asiatica L. germplasm resource from seven provinces such as Jiang......
该功能食品的组成为:枸桔Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Rafin.30%~80%(质量分数,下同)、三白草Saururus chinensis(Lour.)Baill.5%~20%、......
本文对我国两种车前属Plantago植物的核型进行了分析。2个种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=2。它们的核型是:海滨车前P.camtschatica Link,Enum,2n=2x=12=8m+4sm;毛车前P.jehohlensis Koida,2n=2x=12-6m+4sm+2st。......
文章对我国2种车前属Plantago植物的核型进行了分析.2个种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=12.它们的核型是:海滨车前P.camtschatica Link,E......