Let <i>f</i>(u) and <i>g</i>(v) be two polynomials of degree <i>k</i> and <i>l</i> respectively, not both linear which s......
利用内外指标的对偶运算及(反)自对偶运算的统一定义,将su(2,2|1)主丛联络作为基本场变量来构建自对偶的共形超引力拉氏函数. 得到......
A definition of a self-dual code on graph and a procedure based on factor graphs to judge a self-dual code were presente......
文章定义了环 R = F2+ uF2+ u2 F2+…+ u7 F2到 F82的一个新的G ray映射,将环 R上长为n的一类常循环码等距映射成 F2上长为8n的线性循环......
In this paper, we construct MDS Euclidean self-dual codes which are ex-tended cyclic duadic codes. And we obtain many ne......