The Effect of Molding Condition on Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Usi

来源 :第七届亚澳复合材料会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxlw360
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  In this study, the effect of molding conditions on the mechanical properties of fiber reinforced thermoplastic using in situ polymerizable polyamide 6 as the matrix (Ⅰ-GFRTP) was investigated by measuring differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), three-point bending tests and Izod impact tests in various types of the Ⅰ-GFRTP which was molded under various temperatures(120, 140, 160, 180 and 200℃).The three-point bending tests revealed that the Ⅰ-GFRTP at 160℃ exhibited the highest bending strength in all the tested specimens.As the result of Izod impact tests, there was no correlation between the molding temperatures and Izod impact strength.Furthermore, as the results of the DSC, it was shown that Ⅰ-GFRTP had a high degree of crystallinity compared with a conventional FRTP molded by hot press molding with polyamide 6 films and reinforcing cloths, notwithstanding the same cooling rate.
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