即使在比较法的研究迅猛发展的今天,人们对比较法的目的、功能、方法也存在很大争议。马蒂亚斯·黎曼(Mathias Reinmann)与莱因赫德·齐默恩(ReinhardZimmermann)主编的《比较法要览》以文集的形式试图澄清这些争论,文集作品来自4大洲12个国家的43位学者。这样庞大的工程应该受到欢迎,因为当今没有学者敢自称单独一人就涵盖整个领域。并且,对该学科存有多种不同观点是必要的,仅存在一种观点并不合适,不管这一观点多么有权威。在问题和疑问大大超过已确定真理这样的领域,对更广泛领域的观点表述对个人思考是必要的前奏。
Even with the rapid development of comparative law research, there is much controversy about the purpose, function and method of comparative law. The Atlas of Comparative Law, edited by Mathias Reinmann and Reinhard Zimmermann, attempts to clarify these debates in the form of a collection of works from 43 countries in 12 countries on four continents scholar. Such a huge project should be welcomed because no one in the world dares to claim that it alone covers the entire field. And, it is necessary to have a variety of different perspectives on the subject, and it is inappropriate to have only one view, no matter how authoritative this view is. In the areas where questions and questions far outweigh the truths that have been established, it is necessary to prescribe a broader view of the individual.