【摘 要】
We present spatially resolved methodology for detailed loss analysis of solar cells with a focus on imaging based material and cell parameter analyses of multicrystalline silicon solar cells.In order
【机 构】
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Germany
【出 处】
SNEC 第九届(2015)国际太阳能产业及光伏工程(上海)论坛
We present spatially resolved methodology for detailed loss analysis of solar cells with a focus on imaging based material and cell parameter analyses of multicrystalline silicon solar cells.In order to determine the efficiency potential of different silicon materials it is shown how carrier lifetime limiting impurities [1, 2] can be identified and quantified with photoluminescence based techniques.The evolution of impurities (dissolved and precipitated) during processing with respect to crystallization and cell processes is modelled which may give explicit indications for process optimization [3,4].
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近年发现细菌和古细菌中广泛存在规律成簇间隔的短回文重复序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)系统,该系统能够有效地防御噬菌体和外界各种基因元件入侵,限制了基因的水平转移(horizontal gene transfer, HGT)。由于其在结构和功能上的特殊性,该系统被广泛的应用于细菌分型、进化等方面
本研究采用结晶紫染色法检测了副溶血性弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus,Vp)、沙门氏菌(Salmonella,Sa)和单增李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes,LM)在37℃条件下单一菌及其混合菌(Vp+Sa、Vp+LM、Sa+LM和Vp+Sa+LM)生物被膜的形成情况.结果显示:单一菌培养时,LM生物被膜形成能力最强,Vp次之,Sa最弱;与单一培养时相比,V