本文分析了现有平显系统的缺陷与改进方法,比较了国产镀膜显示屏与美国F-16 全息显示屏的性能指标,介绍了在全息显示屏方面所作的工作并讨论了影响全息显示屏反射主波长、带宽及衍射效率的主要因素,并提出了研制过程中出现的问题
This paper analyzes the defects and the improvement methods of the existing flat display system, compares the performance index of the domestic coated display with the F-16 holographic display in the United States, introduces the work done in the holographic display and discusses the influence of the holographic display reflection Main wavelength, bandwidth and diffraction efficiency of the main factors, and put forward the development process of the problems