在中国东北,稻花飘香的地方大都居住着勤劳、坚强、乐天、明朗的朝鲜族。发源于朝鲜(韩)半岛的中国朝鲜族,作为中国的一个跨境民族是于19世纪中叶开始向中国东北地区的迁移定居过程中逐渐形成。中国朝鲜族如同其他民族一样,在长期的历史进程中,为中华民族的解放,为各民族的共同发展,做出了积极的贡献。本论文以中国朝鲜族为研究对象,探讨其形成过程、历史发展、现实处境及未来展望,为中国朝鲜族经济社会的进一步发展提出有益的建言。本研究共分序言、本论及结语三个部分:序言主要指出了研究中国朝鲜族经济社会发展的目的与意义,概括了现今朝鲜族研究动态,强调了研究中国朝鲜族问题的重要性。第一章中国朝鲜族形成略史,叙述了朝鲜族从朝鲜(韩)半岛迁移、定居过程,展开了朝鲜族在中国东北地区开发荒地,种植水稻的艰难历程,回顾了朝鲜族在中国新民主主义革命中的积极贡献。第二章朝鲜族成为中国社会主义大家庭的一员,讲述了朝鲜族为什么能够在中国成为国家的主人的理由,叙述了朝鲜族积极参加中国社会主义革命和社会主义建设事业过程以及朝鲜族文化教育的快速发展,概述了朝鲜族在“文化大革命”运动中的遭遇。第三章改革开放与中国朝鲜族,概述了中国改革开放过程以及中国少数民族地区在改革开放中得到较快发展的历程,指出了朝鲜族能够走在中国改革开放前列的诸多条件与优势。第四章中国朝鲜族人口流动及其影响,论述了朝鲜族人口流动的现状、探讨了朝鲜族人口流动的特点及其推动因素,指出了朝鲜族人口流动给朝鲜族经济社会发展带来的重大影响。第五章发展机遇与面临挑战,分析了中国朝鲜族经济社会发展面临的问题与困难,探讨了朝鲜族社会顺利发展的有利条件与不利因素,提出了解决困难,加速发展的对策。本文的特色在于:1.比较系统而全面地论述了中国朝鲜族的形成历史、现状与未来发展展望,这与以往从某方面研究朝鲜族有所不同;2.深刻地分析了改革开放过程中的中国朝鲜族经济社会发展,提出了人口流动对朝鲜族经济社会发展带来的重大影响;3.研究方法上采取务虚与务实、纵向与横向结合,探寻中国朝鲜族的形成过程和朝鲜族社会的发展变化过程,尤其是重点剖析朝鲜族社会发展的现状与问题,探索相应对策,反映朝鲜族社会发展的全貌,试图为朝鲜族社会发展提出一种新思路。本文的主要观点:1.中国朝鲜族在中国东北地区开发和中国新民主主义革命以及社会主义革命、社会主义建设中不仅积极参与而且做出了重大贡献;2.如今朝鲜族社会的重大变化之一就是朝鲜族人口的广泛流动,以及它给朝鲜族社会发展带来的影响是极其深刻的;3.在中国改革开放中,朝鲜族社会得到巨大变化的同时遇到了前所未有的新问题、新困难,但这是朝鲜族社会在加速现代化、城市化进程中不可避免的“阵痛”,它是能够得到克服的;4.中国朝鲜族走在改革开放前列,他们今天遇到的问题将是其他少数民族今后也会遇到的问题,重视研究朝鲜族社会发展过程中存在的问题、经验教训及其对策,对今后解决中国其他少数民族问题也具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。problems and difficulties in economy and social development of Chinese Koreans, discussed the advantages and disadvantages in social development of Chinese Koreans and presented the countermeasures.Features of the paper: 1. it dissertated the forming, actuality and future development of Chinese Koreans in a systemic and comprehensive way which is different from the old researches; 2. it deeply analyzed how the social and economy development of Chinese Koreans goes in the process of reform and opening of China, and pointed out the great influence which the floating of Chinese Koreans population had made to the social and economy development; 3. in research techniques, it took a way of combinations of dealing with concrete matters relating to work and discussing principles, historically and socially to study the process of the development of its forming and social development and changes, especially, made an in-depth research on the actuality and problems in the social development of Chinese Koreans, and searched after their countermeasure, imaged the whole picture of development of Chinese Koreans, and try to find a new thought for the development of Chinese Koreans.Main standpoints:1. The Chinese Koreans participated in not only the exploration of Northeast of China, New Democratic Revolution of China, but also Socialism Revolution and Instruction of Socialism, and made great contributions. 2. One of great changes of Chinese Korean is the floating of population, which makes a far-reaching influence to the society development of Chinese Koreans. 3. In the course of execution of reform and opening, Chinese Korean society has changed a lot; meanwhile, it met the new problems and difficulties which have never happened before. It is an inevitable "ease pain" in process of acceleration of modernize and urbanize, but which can be overcomed. 4. The Chinese Koreans goes head of reform and opening, the problems that they have met today is the ones that other Chinese minorities will meet in the future. We pay much attention to research the problems of Chinese Korean’s’ society, experiences and countermeasures also have important theoretical and realistic significance in resolving the problems of other Chinese minorities.