三维化形态设计的历史,由来已久,特别是在食品包装中的运用很广泛。但是随着时代的发展,三维化形态又可分为传统三维化形态和衍生三维化形态。传统三维化形态指的就是三维立体化,其中包括图形信息三维化、包装形态立体三维化、陈列图形三维化形态等方面。衍生三维化形态是随着时代的发展,在传统三维化形态的基础上,发展出的更深层次的三维化形态。衍生三维化形态在食品包装设计中的运用,更强调人与包装、包装与产品、产品与人之间时空变化的关系。本文从传统与衍生三维化形态两个角度,阐述三维化形态的分类和作用,并分析了包括材料与技术等方面,在三维化形态食品包装中的设计运用,最后提出了未来三维化形态在食品包装中运用的发展观点。The history of three-dimensional package morphology design is a long time, especially it is used in food packaging extensively. But with the development of the times, three-dimensional morphology package is not just means traditional three-dimensional morphology package, it has another derivatives meaning. Traditional three-dimensional morphology package means three-dimensional morphology package. It including three-dimensional graphic、three-dimensional package structure and three-dimensional graphics of display and so on. With the development of the times, the development of derivative three-dimensional morphology package is a deeper three-dimensional package which is based on the traditional three-dimensional morphology package. The application of derivative three-dimensional morphology in food packaging design key point is the changing time and room relationship between people with packaging, packaging and products, products and people. This paper which summarizes about the traditional and derivative three-dimensional morphology package design aims to describe category and impaction of three-dimensional package, and analysis materials and technology. Finally a point about what is the future development of three-dimensional package.