Rainfall and streamflow are two most important factors of soil erosion thattransports the soil particle from one place to other place, than deposits occur.Accordingto the dynamic of land cover, causes decreasing or increasing stream flow and sedimentyield.Therefore, the Du watershed was selected as the study area to understanding howcan landuse types affect on dynamics of streamflow and sediment yield.Thus, the SWAT(soil and water assessment model) model is a hydrologic model interface with GIS spatialanalysis was used in this study area. Collecting, pre-processing basic data and database preparation were conducted usingSWAT model to simulate in the study area.The Du watershed divided into 107 subbasinsand then subbasins were divided into 674 HRUs, then loaded land use, soil, and climatedata, completed trial run of the model. The Parameter sensitivity analysis, for improving the applicability and accuracy ofthe model was conducted to get more targeted parameter calibration.According to theresult showing five parameters such as CH_COV, CH_EROD have significant effect onsediment and 10 parameters such as ALPHA_BF, CN2, and ESCO have significant effecton streamflow. The model was run for 6 year as a warm up period from 1965-1970.Streamflow andsediment were calibrated for 10 years time period during1971-1980 also 10 year timeperiod from 1981-1990 validation was performed for both streamflow and sediment. Calibration and validation results compared with evaluation criteria, the efficiencycoefficient ENS, PBIAS and R2 for steramflow during the calibration are 0.88, 6.4 and0.94 and during the validation 0.87, 5.1 and 0.92 respectively.The ENS, PBIAS and R2 forsediment during calibration are 0.67, 19.8, and 0.84 during the validation were 0.64, 32.1and 0.81 respectively.The adequate result of ENS, PBIAS and R2 values showed for bothcalibration and validation period the model has applicability in the study area.