The research is presented as a validated memory and defended before a jury of professors. It is in this perspective that we reflect on the study on customer loyalty of Moroccan banks:A case study of BMCE bank".Customer loyalty has been a craze in the service business for almost 22 years. The banking sector has become aware of its importance to customer loyalty (Des Garets, and Paquerot Sueur,2009). So, faced with the globalization of economies and increased competition, it has become essential also for Moroccan banks to reassess the hearts of comprehensive strategies to meet the changing needs of their customers and deliver more value any compression costs (Abdelkhalek and Solhi,2008).The objective of the study to investigate the impact of certain important components loyalty of customers (trust, corporate image, satisfaction and service quality) on loyalty (faithfulness cognitive, emotional loyalty, loyalty and cognitive of Action fidelity) in the Moroccan banking sector. Several studies have verified the existence of a relationship (and Bergeron 2003; Alrubaiee and At-Nazer Talghani 2010,2011).However; this is the second study of its kind in Morocco.The selected data collection method - Using a questionnaire. A total of 127 questionnaires were selected. Analysis of the results confirmed the significant relationship between the components of customer loyalty studied banking customers in Morocco.Following the results, several managerial implications and recommendations are presented. The central objective of this study is to provide managers with Moroccan banks, tools and solutions to help them differentiate themselves by putting the customer and his interests at the heart of marketing strategies.