
来源 :厦门大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyq20061001
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Rapid progress and the abnormal profits of the private/govtbanking sector of Bangladesh is the hot topic nowadays in the Bangladesh. Some academicians and practitioners are amazed to see the highest growth of private banking sector. At the sametime,public/govt banks in the Bangladesh are facing serious dropout of profit and employees turnover.Therefore,this study aimed to investigate public and private banking sector of Bangladesh, specifically this study carried out four primary objectives, the first objective of this research was to investigate and compare the employees’ perception about training and development program in the public and private banking industry of Bangladesh. The second objective was to find out and compare the employees’ turnover intentions in the public and private banking industry of Bangladesh. The third objective was to identify and compare the employees’ job satisfaction in the public and private banking industry ofBangladesh. Finally, the fourth objective was to explore and compare the employees’ behavior about the training strategy of the public and private banking industry of Bangladesh.The targeted sample of this research consisted of the employees of the banking industry of the Bangladesh. This study implemented the quota and convenience sampling technique to choose respondents and to collect the data. The overall sample size comprised of 320 (n=320) employees who were working in the public/govt and private banking industry of the Bangladesh. 170 (n= 170) questionnaires were distributed in the public/govt banks in Bangladesh Similarly, 150 (n= 150) questionnaires were distributed in the private banks of Bangladesh. Moreover, this study adopted the inferential aswell as descriptive data analysis techniques mainly; frequency distribution, percentage, crosstab, and one sample t-test were performed in the SPSS version 21.0 software.The result revealed that all the hypotheses related toemployees’perceptions about training and development program for the public/govt banking industry of the Bangladesh were rejected, which shows that public/govt banking sector do not provides their employees with good opportunity to undertake employees training programs. Similarly, allthe hypotheses for the private banking industry of Bangladesh were accepted which suggested that private banking sector do provide their employees with good opportunity to undertake employees training programs.Moreover, this study revealed that the employees’ turnover intentions in the public/govt banking sector of Bangladesh is comparative higher. The employees’ turnover intention in the private banking sector of Bangladesh is very low. This study also revealed that there is very low job satisfaction inthe public/govt banks of Bangladesh as compared to private banking sector of Bangladesh.Further, this study also revealed that employees who are working in public/govt banks believed that their employers are not interested in the general employees’development programs. Whereas, the employees in the private banking sector of the Bangladesh believed that their banks are arranging employees training and development programs every year. Finally, this research suggested that, the employees in the public/govt banks of Bangladesh think that training provided in their organization is not planned and not systematically administered, whereas, the staff members in the private banks of Bangladesh believed that training provided in their organization is totally planned and systematically administered.
摘 要: 如何让思想政治课更有趣,让枯燥的政治课充满魅力,使学生在生动活泼的氛围中掌握知识和提高能力,成为摆在所有政治教师面前的课题。作者结合教学实践,谈谈如何让思想政治课充满趣味性的问题。  关键词: 思想政治课 和谐课堂 趣味性    思想政治课理性较强,教师如果只是把这些抽象的、系统的、深刻的理论归纳成文字灌输给学生,即使老师付出了许多精力,也会收效甚微。胡锦涛同志构建和谐
摘要: 初中生数学阅读能力的高低,是衡量一个学生学习能力强弱的重要标准,良好的数学阅读能力使学生能更好地去探究问题和解决问题。  关键词: 数学阅读;方法;能力;培养  前苏联数学教育家斯托利亚尔言:“数学教学也就是数学语言的教学”, 美国著名心理学家布龙菲尔德也说:“数学不过是语言所能达到的最高境界”。数学语言的学习离不开数学阅读能力培养。  数学阅读能力是指完成阅读任务的复杂的心理特征的总和,