This paper tries to provide a general introduction of the outsourcing business as wellas information about ways that multinational corporation (MNCs) should approach theIT partner selection process in emerging countries: Case study in Chinese market.
Through a brief review of supplier selection and criteria definition concepts it offers aframework for understanding the strategic importance of selecting the right partner for IToutsourcing for MNCs conducting such activities in China. It provides overview aboutthe challenges and opportunities that MNCs face today in emerging marketsconsidering China as a reference point. One of the major challenges is related tomismatching of process implementation in hosting countries.
Providing a case study of a car manufacturer company in Beijing, we attempt todemonstrate that process improvement and "localization" has to deal with a continuousbasis in order to target more efficient and established process. From this case study, wealso give suggestion and recommendations that will help a majority of the problemsdiscussed in this paper to make sure that the process is sufficiently implementedaccording to local market conditions, and ways for continuous process optimization.