Forecasting Electricity Consumption in Cameroon using Grey Method and Grey-Markov Model

来源 :华东理工大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong497
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As we know the development of one country passes through a large production of energy, more a country is developed more his appetite on energy is huge.And more a country is in shortage of energy, more his development is slowed down.That is why Cameroon as being a medium developing country aspires to become an emergent country by 2035.But at present Cameroon faced of shortage of electricity and this situation has a bad effect on the economic growth.A proper analysis and research on electricity consumption have an important impact on the government management policies or in the decision of the investors.Unfortunately Cameroon doesnt have yet an update data about electricity consumption since 2012.In this paper based on statistics, mathematics and economics theories; also on the basis of previous studies, we tried to estimate and to forecast the electricity consumption in Cameroon to help government, investors, scholars, have a tool on the electricity consumption in Cameroon since 2012.We firstly brought out the basic knowledge of Cameroon economic and the situation of electricity consumption in Cameroon; and also brought out the function of our research.Secondly we described the Grey theory model GM (1,1) and talk about the principle of Markov based on classification and decomposition of states.And we also explained how to construct the Grey-Markov model.Thirdly based on data from 2002 to 2012 we simulated the forecasting of the electricity consumption in Cameroon using Grey theory model GM (1,1) and Grey-Markov model.The simulated result shows that the precision is obviously superior using Grey-Markov model than using Grey theory model GM (1,1).So we used Grey-Markov model to estimate 2013 and .2014 electricity consumption in Cameroon and to forecast 2015 and 2016 electricity consumption in Cameroon.At the end we can formulate at relevant departments of Cameroon government the related policy to ensure the supply of electricity in Cameroon for the next oncoming years for the sustainable and ongoing development of population.  
摘 要:小学是数学学习的起步阶段,小学是学生大脑思想最为活泼的一个重要时期,所以学习数学这门具有笼统性、逻辑性的学科,教员的引导就显得很重要。教员要充分利用这一特性,有时候合理恰当地采用对话式教学方式,树立对等的师生关系。经过“对话”的方式促进师生之间的交流,激起学生的学习主动性,让学生在自主学习中及时地发现问题并处理问题,以达到提升教学质量的目的。  关键词:对话式;小学数学教学模式;对策研究 
摘 要:定向越野运动是一项新兴运动,在我国城市中正逐步发展。在农村中小学中,因教育资源配置欠缺,开展定向运动相对较为困难,因此探讨定向运动在农村中小学的开展,对定向运动的发展有着实践性的意义。  关键词:农村中小学;百米定向;可行性  前言:定向越野运动是一项新型的运动项目,起源于瑞典的军事体育活动,1983年首次由中国人民解放军体育学院在广州组织的“定向越野实验比赛”,随后定向越野在我国逐渐为人