一木一石,虽是两个质地完全不同的物体,但它们所展示的却是一个共同的主题——母爱。一木(上图) 这原是我们制作的一件根艺作品(高45厘米,斜宽40厘米)。其形象传神有趣:一只顶着高高凰冠的孔雀,百般呵护着一只嗷嗷待哺的雏雀,母子相拥相抱,神情专注,流露出一股浓浓的母亲慈祥的情意。这件根艺的材质,是一段经历了水冲风砺洗礼的香樟枯木,通体呈深棕色,色泽油润,肌理凸现,质地细腻,线条流畅。因而,使得这件根艺作品显得十分典雅、传统,而又透着现代装点工艺的美感。
A wooden stone, although it is two completely different objects, but what they show is a common theme - maternal love. A wooden (above) This was originally a root art work we made (height 45 cm, width 40 cm). Its vivid and interesting image: a peacock holding a high crown, in every possible way to care for a staggering nestling, mother and child embracing each other, look focused, revealing a thick affectionate mother’s affection. This root art of material, is a period of experience through the baptism of the Campanula dry wood, the whole body was dark brown, color oil, texture prominent, delicate texture, smooth lines. Thus, making this piece of art artwork is very elegant, traditional, but reveals the beauty of the modern decorate process.