拟除虫菊酯是个高效益、对环境几无影响的杀虫剂。研制单位投入了大量资金,经历了几十年的时间才告完成。植保工作者对它寄予无限期望,甚至还被群众誉为第一把药。山东省聊城棉区于1980年开始使用,防治棉蚜可用10,000—12,000倍液,而有机磷农药则是2,000倍液。但这样一个好农药使用不过二年,至1982年时,不少植棉户较普遍的改为8,000倍,1983年改为6,000倍,1984年改为3,000倍,1985年更改为1,000—2,000倍。如此迅速的改变一个农药的使用浓度,在我国的用药历史上是没有过的。 1981—1982年在棉区曾出现过“久效磷热”,1982年又开始形成了“菊酯热”,1983年热
Pyrethroids are highly effective and have few effects on the environment of insecticides. Development unit invested a lot of money, after decades of completion. Plant protection workers placed endless expectations on it, and even the masses have been hailed as the first medicine. Shandong Liaocheng cotton area began to use in 1980, control cotton aphids available 10,000-12,000 times, while organophosphate pesticides is 2,000 times the liquid. However, such a good pesticide has only been used for two years. By 1982, the number of cotton-planting households was more commonly converted to 8,000 times, from 1983 to 6,000 times, to 1984 times to 3,000 times and to 1985 times to 1,000-2,000 times . Such a rapid change in the concentration of a pesticide used in the history of medicine in our country have not had. In 1981-1982, “monocrotophos” appeared in the cotton area. In 1982, “pyrethrin” began to be formed again. In 1983, it was hot