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以古潜山油田著称于世的华北油田,至今已走过了近30年的建设发展历程。已累计探明石油地质储量11.4358亿吨,天然气地质储量273.65亿立方米;累计生产原油2.18亿吨,天然气60.85亿立方米。重组改制以来,华北油田分公司积极适应新体制、新机制和市场经济的要求,大力弘扬“在挑战中铸造辉煌”的精神风貌,不断丰富和实践“精细管理、全员创新”的管理理念,上下团结一心,攻坚克难,年年完成或超额完成股份公司下达的各项生产经营指标。2003年9月25日至26日,时任集团公司副总经理、股份公司总裁,现任集团公司党组书记、总经理陈耕来到华北油田宣布华北油田分公司新一届领导班子时,给华北油田提出了更高的标准和要求。在新形势新任务面前,肩负着组织和领导的期望和重托,华北油田分公司新一届领导班子牢固树立和落实科学发展观,坚持依法经营,精细管理,深化改革,创新发展,努力实现勘探开发、依法管理和以人为本的“三个良性循环”。他们以求真务实的作风和卓有成效的实践,诠释着油田发展的新内涵。 Has been known for ancient buried hill oil fields in the North China Oilfield, has gone through nearly 30 years of construction and development history. Has accumulated proven oil geological reserves of 1143.58 million tons, natural gas geological reserves of 27.365 billion cubic meters; total production of 218 million tons of crude oil, natural gas 6.085 billion cubic meters. Since the reorganization and restructuring, Huabei Oilfield Branch has actively adapted to the requirements of the new system, new mechanism and market economy, vigorously promoted the spirit of “making brilliant achievements in the challenges”, continuously enriched and practiced the management concept of “fine management and full innovation” Unite as one, tackle hardships and overcome difficulties, and finish or over-fulfill the production and operation targets issued by the joint-stock companies every year. From September 25 to 26, 2003, Chen Geng, deputy general manager and president of the joint stock company, now party secretary and general manager of the group company, came to Huabei Oilfield when Huabei Oilfield announced the new leadership of Huabei Oilfield Branch. A higher standard and requirements. In the face of the new situation and new tasks, they have the expectation and trust of the organization and leadership. The new leadership team of Huabei Oilfield Branch firmly established and implemented the scientific concept of development, insisted on managing according to law, meticulous management, deepening reform, innovating and developing and making efforts to realize exploration Development, management according to law and people-oriented “three virtuous circle.” With a pragmatic style and fruitful practice, they interpreted the new connotation of oilfield development.
近年来,我们对30例外科择期手术患者预先自体血回输,取得了满意的疗效。现报告如下。rn 一般资料:30例患者中,男18例,女12例;年龄18~55岁,平均34岁。体重46~90kg,平均62kg。其中骨外科1
报道了斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus, SpltNPV)基因组DNAXbaI2.0kb片段的核苷酸全序列,该片段包括三个完整的读码框(open reading frame, ORF),即ORF1、ORF2、ORF3及一个不完整的读码框ORF4-part。ORF1长477个核苷酸,可编码158个氨基酸的蛋白质,分子量18.08 kD,它与AcMNPV ORF51在同
(2008年9月2日,根据录音整理)感谢同志们在繁忙的工作中前来参加第10次常务理事会议。感谢各位理事的信任,同意我担任第38届常务理事会的理事长。我感到非常荣幸,也感到 (Se