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1999年12月20日以后的澳门将实行崭新的法治,即在中华人民共和国“一国两制三法域”这一背景下的法治。在这样一个背景下处理澳门法治问题,对澳门特别行政区来说,除了坚持一般的法治原则外,还要坚持“一国两制”这样一个新的法治原则。只有贯彻这一原则,澳门法治才能处理好中央与澳门特区的关系,才能处理好澳门特区内部的事务,澳门的法治才有保障。澳门特别行政区基本法是澳门特别行政区的根本性的宪制性法律,“一国两制”是澳门基本法的基本原则。澳门基本法关于立法权方面的规定,充分体现了“一国两制”原则,为保障“澳人治澳”、高度自治,为保障澳门的法治,奠定了坚实的法律基础。澳门基本法关于“一国两制”原则在立法权方面的规定,可以归纳为以下五个方面:一、澳门基本法明确规定了澳门特别行政 After December 20, 1999, Macao will implement a new rule of law, that is, the rule of law in the context of the People’s Republic of China under the background of “one country, two systems and three jurisdictions.” In dealing with the issue of the rule of law in Macao in such a context, the MFA, in addition to upholding the principle of rule of law in general, must uphold the principle of “one country, two systems”, a new principle of the rule of law. Only by implementing this principle can the rule of law in Macao be able to handle the relations between the Central Government and the Macao SAR and handle the affairs in the Macao Special Administrative Region. Only in this way can the rule of law in Macao be safeguarded. The Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region is a fundamental constitutional law of the Macao Special Administrative Region. “One Country, Two Systems” is the basic principle of the Macao Basic Law. The provisions of the Macao Basic Law on the legislative power fully embody the principle of “one country, two systems” and lay a solid legal foundation for safeguarding the rule of law in Macao in order to guarantee “Macao people administer Macao” and a high degree of autonomy. The provisions of the Macao Basic Law on the principle of “one country, two systems” on the legislative power can be summed up in the following five aspects: First, the Macao Basic Law clearly stipulates that the Macao Special Administrative
Background: Intravenous tobramycin (three- times daily)is widely used for pu lmonary exacerbations in patients with cystic fibrosis who have chronic Pseudomo na