进入岁末,各大职业赛事201 1年赛程陆续公布,根据多方了解,2011年中国境内四大顶级赛事已经初露端倪,将分别在上海、海口、广东隆重开演。2011年11月3日至6日,世锦赛-汇丰冠军赛将继续在上海佘山球场举办,这将是汇丰冠军赛连续第7年在佘山举行。明年赛事总奖金依旧为700万美元,这项“亚洲的大满贯”毫无疑问将继续成为中国境内职业高尔夫赛事的旗舰。
By the end of the year, the 201 1-year race of major professional events has been announced one after another. According to various understandings, in 2011, the top four top-level events in China have begun to take shape and will be staged in Shanghai, Haikou and Guangdong respectively. From November 3 to November 6, 2011, the World Championships - HSBC Champions will continue at Shanghai Sheshan Stadium, which will be the 7th consecutive year of the HSBC Champions Championship in Sheshan. The total prize money next year is still $ 7,000,000. This “Asian Grand Slam” will no doubt continue to be the flagship of professional golf events in China.