60万很多人会认为这还物超所值吗?当然这个问题要看你怎么去评论了,如果用大小肯定会让你失望。因为我们这里讲的是性能,讲的是操控的乐趣。第一次看到官方的视频就被其深深地吸引,躲闪腾挪的身姿、创意无限的漂移也许这就是1M该有的魅力。为什么会给该车这么高的评价呢,也许要从BMW 1系M的动力组成说起。它搭载的是一台型号为N54的3.0升直列6缸双涡轮增压发动机,最大功率为340马力,最大扭矩为450N·m,在超增压模式下,扭矩瞬
600,000 a lot of people think this is still value for money? Of course, this issue depends on how you comment, if the size will certainly make you disappointed. Because we are talking about performance here, talking about the joy of manipulation. The first time I saw the official video was deeply attracted by its daring move, creative drift may be 1M’s charm. Why would the car so high evaluation, perhaps from the BMW 1 Series M’s power to talk about. It is equipped with a Model N54 3.0-liter inline six-cylinder twin-turbo engine with a maximum power of 340 horsepower and a maximum torque of 450N · m. In supercharge mode, the torque moment