目的,通过分析欧洲设计硕士交换教育项目(全文后简称MEDes项目)的运行现状和相关数据,反思其利弊与前车之鉴。方法展示提取包括工作机制、合作学院在内的MEDes项目的基本情况,从项目学校基本情况、生源学生专业分布、学生交换去向学校三个方向去分析所得数据,最后从“要肯定的”、“要改进的”和“要反思的”三个反面入手总结其经验得失。结论 MEDes项目作为欧盟内部交换项目成功运行十余年,这对和欧盟体量相当,但设计高校和学生数量巨大的中国有重要的借鉴意义。但总体上看,中国需要类似MEDes项目的出现来平衡教育资源、增长学生知识以及传承本土文化。
The purpose of this study is to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages and the lessons learned by analyzing the operational status quo and relevant data of the European Master of Design Exchange Education Program (the MEDes project for short). Methods The basic information of the MEDes project, including the working mechanism and the cooperative college, was extracted from the basic situation of the project school, the professional distribution of student students and the exchange of students to the school in three directions. Finally, from the “to be sure” , “To be improved ” and “to be reflected ” to start from the three negative summary of their experience gains and losses. Conclusion The successful implementation of the MEDes project as an exchange program within the European Union for more than ten years is of great significance to China, which has the same volume as the EU but has a large number of universities and students. However, on the whole, China needs to have similar MEDes programs to balance educational resources, increase student knowledge and inherit indigenous cultures.