内燃机广泛用于工业、农业、交通运输和国防建设.它是汽车、农业机械、工程机械、船舶、内燃机车、通用机械、电站和军用等装置的主要动力.现代内燃机产品已经融合了燃烧技术、电子技术、控制技术及新型材料等诸多高新技术,已经成为一个技术密集型行业.1 产业初具规模 结构趋向合理1949年建国时,我国内燃机年总产量为0.74万千瓦,1980年产量增长到3000万千瓦,到1994年,全国内燃机总产量(不完全统计)为1.7亿千瓦、1086万台左右.从增长速度看,1992、1993两年连续实现了前所未有的高速度,从千瓦数来说,年增长率均达到了35%以上,1994年由于国家宏观调控经济,放慢了发展速度,内燃机产量千瓦数只增长了不到3%,但台数则增长了约17%,这主要是由于农用单缸柴油机和摩托车用小型汽油机增长较多,而其千瓦数
The internal combustion engine is widely used in industry, agriculture, transportation and national defense construction. It is the main driving force for automobiles, agricultural machinery, engineering machinery, ships, diesel locomotives, general machinery, power plants and military equipment. Modern combustion engine products have integrated combustion technology, Many new and high technologies such as electronic technology, control technology and new materials have become a technology-intensive industry.1 The structure of the industry has begun to become more rational. When the country was founded in 1949, the total annual output of internal combustion engines in China was 0.74 kilowatts, and the output in 1980 increased to 3,000. 10,000 kilowatts, by 1994, the national total output of internal combustion engines (incomplete statistics) was 170 million kilowatts and about 10.86 million units. From the perspective of growth rate, in 1992 and 1993, two consecutive years achieved unprecedented high speeds, in terms of kilowatts, The annual growth rate has reached more than 35%. In 1994, due to the national macroeconomic regulation and control of the economy, the development rate slowed down. The output of kilowatts of internal combustion engines only increased by less than 3%, but the number of stations increased by about 17%. This is mainly due to agricultural use. Single-cylinder diesel engines and motorcycles use small gasoline engines to increase more, while their kilowatts