肿瘤的治疗经历了从化学药物、生物制剂到细胞免疫治疗三大过程,其中癌症免疫疗法近年来的巨大进步被《Science》杂志评为2013年十大科学突破之首。这里面最为引人瞩目的是基于嵌合抗原受体修饰的T(CAR-T)细胞的肿瘤治疗技术,其在血液系统恶性肿瘤的治疗中展现出了良好的前景。然而,在治疗过程中出现了多种不良反应,细胞因子释放综合征(CRS)即为其中最为常见的一种,且具有潜在致命性。全球开展CART的临床应用的时间还不长,相关CRS的发生、发展机制,并发症的预防和治疗等问题都还在探索中,因此需要从临床病例中不断积累经验、深入探讨,以期形成科学规范的临床指南,从而减少CAR-T治疗中的不良事件。针对本文提到的病例,欢迎广大读者提出问题和发表见解。可以将您提出的问题和见解发送至编辑部邮箱:[email protected],或者直接拨打电话:027-85726342转8019,我们将会请CRA-T细胞治疗相关的专业医师进行回复和解答。
Tumor treatment has gone through three major processes from chemical drugs, biological agents to cellular immunotherapy. Among them, the huge progress in cancer immunotherapy has been ranked by Science magazine as one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs in 2013. The most remarkable of these are oncology techniques based on chimeric antigen receptor modified T (CAR-T) cells that have shown promise in the treatment of hematological malignancies. However, a number of side effects have emerged during the course of treatment. Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) is one of the most common and potentially fatal. The clinical application of CART in the world is not long enough. The related issues of CRS, development mechanism, prevention and treatment of complications are still under exploration. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously accumulate experience from clinical cases and explore in depth to form a scientific Standardized clinical guidelines to reduce adverse events in CAR-T treatment. For the cases mentioned in this article, readers are welcome to raise questions and express their views. You can send your questions and opinions to the editorial department mailbox: [email protected], or directly call: 027-85726342 transfer 8019, we will ask the CRA-T cell therapy-related professional doctors reply and answer.