Drinking water: a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning, you can add a night of body fluid consumption, and “washing ” gastrointestinal effect; 1 hour before a drink a glass of water, help digestive secretion, promote appetite; drink a glass of water before going to bed , Can dilute the blood, reduce blood viscosity, so that the blood flow. Tea: The best tea time is 1 hour after a meal. Tea immediately after eating non-good habits, because the tannic acid in tea can be combined with the iron in the food into insoluble iron salts, reduce the body’s absorption of iron, over time, easy to induce iron deficiency anemia. Drink milk: drink the best before going to sleep at night, help people sleep. In addition calcium in milk can compensate for the night of low calcium status and protect the bones. For children, it helps with the growth of the bones at night. Eat sweets: before exercise, fatigue, hunger, dizziness, palpitation, evil