A type of dynamic mechanism of river hydraulic geometry

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linxunchang
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Large-scale structure of river flow is the main driving force for bed erosion-deposition and bank deformation.The structure shapes and retains a corresponding hydraulic geometry form.Therefore,the most stable flow structure is the probable natural river plane formation.Natural coordinate transformation and perturbation methods were adapted to deform the governing equations of sine-generated river basic flow and disturbance flow independently.The stability and retention of perturbation waves were analyzed in our model to explain why meandering rivers followed a certain type of flow path.Computation results showed that all types of perturbation waves in meandering rivers were most stable when the meandering wave number was about 0.39–0.41.We believe that this type of stable flow structure shaped a certain meandering river.The statistical average length-width ratios of Yalin,Habib and da Silva and Leopold and Wolman somewhat confirmed our most stable river meandering wave number.In some ways,meandering rivers always tend to diminish internal turbulence intensity. Large-scale structure of river flow is the main driving force for bed erosion-deposition and bank deformation. Structure of and retains a corresponding hydraulic geometry form. Wherefore, the most stable flow structure is the probable natural river plane formation. Natural coordinate transformation and perturbation methods were adapted to deform the governing equations of sine-generated river basic flow and disturbance flow independently. The stability and retention of perturbation waves were analyzed in our model to explain why meandering rivers followed a certain type of flow path. Computation results showed showed that all types of perturbation waves in meandering rivers were most stable when the meandering wave number was about 0.39-0.41.We believe that this type of stable flow structure shaped a certain meandering river. statistical average length-width ratios of Yalin, Habib and da Silva and Leopold and Wolman somewhat confirmed our most stable river meandering wave number. In some ways, meandering rivers always tend to diminish internal turbulence intensity.
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